So, you’re interested in sustainability, and you want to make some positive changes in your business. Maybe you want to align your goals and targets with something bigger – a global initiative and set of standards such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At first glance, these Goals may not seem suited to a small-medium sized business. We are here to break them down into digestible, bite sized objectives and highlight target areas where your business can not only make a difference, but also how it can benefit from doing so.

We’ll compare the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals with BBP’s own 9 Key Areas of Sustainability, focusing on attainable targets listed within the Goals and what you can do to contribute to this global effort. Certainly we can’t take on everything, but if we hold ourselves accountable for doing our bit, together we can bring the whole world closer to achieving a healthy, ethical and sustainable future.

For our first deep dive, let’s take a closer look at SDG 1; No Poverty, which aims to “end poverty in all its forms, everywhere” and “By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty”. Is this enormous, global issue really something your business can align with and effectively contribute to?

Absolutely! Look at this target through the lens of our Key Areas of Sustainability; namely Purchasing and Community. You can make simple changes, such as looking for ‘Fair Trade’ alternatives to products and purchases. From switching out your tea and coffee brands to tracing back the supply chain of all your commonly bought goods. This is a great way to ensure that the goods and products purchased are being produced under ethical conditions, and that local producers are being paid a living wage in exchange for making these products. In this way, our purchasing supports and uplifts communities around the world.

Thinking of our local, national or global community, another way to make a huge difference to an individual or group suffering in poverty conditions is to look into a Sponsorship. For a small investment from your company, you could commit to sponsoring a child to receive an education, provide clean drinking water for a village, fund a women’s wellness centre, or something else YOU care about. Small contributions such as this can go a long way, and make a tangible difference to the lives of those receiving the extra support. We recommend you do some research and find something you/your team really care about, and will be proud to put your Business name to.