One of the many excellent sessions presented in Small Business Month, Ku-ring-gai Council presented a Communications Master Class designed exclusively for small business owners, with keynote speaker Josephine O’Reilly. Jo O’Reilly is a world class communicator with international experience in entertainment, starts up, SMEs, science innovation and research.  Jo’s specialty is designing programs where people in business learn relevant performance skills to enhance their impact in business. The masterclass covered:

  • Understanding how important effective communication is
  • Linking your business story to clear messaging
  • Articulating not just what you do – but why
  • Creating a charismatic presence and adapting it to different audiences
  • Being comfortable about talking and listening so you can respond successfully

Key takeaways from the session included:

  1. Confidence through Congruence: Jo emphasized the importance of aligning your content, physical presence, and voice to create a harmonious connection with your audience.
  2. Embrace Your Role: Small business owners were reminded that they must fully embrace their roles to establish genuine and impactful connections with their customers and clients.
  3. Positive Mindset for Effective Communication: Jo highlighted the power of adopting a mindset characterized by happiness, abundance, and wisdom in daily interactions. This approach can enhance communication skills and positively influence the business environment.

The master class served as a powerful reminder of the pivotal role that effective communication plays in both personal and professional success for small businesses. By incorporating the lessons learned, attendees can confidently embrace their roles with authenticity, ultimately transforming their interactions and leaving a lasting impact on their audiences.